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Acidophilus Herb - Dosage and Useful Properties
Common Trade Names
Bacid, DDS-Acidophilus, Florajen Acidophilus Extra Strength, KyoDophilus, Lactinex (mixed culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus), MoreDophilus, Probiata, Pro-Bionate, Superdophilus

Common Forms
Available in various dosages, in cultures ranging from 500 million to 4 billion viable organisms of L. acidophilus, in capsules, granules, powders, softgels, suppositories, and tablets as well as in milk and yogurt.

L. acidophilus is usually commercially prepared as concentrated, dried, viable cultures. The cultures can be found in varying quantities in many dairy products, especially milk and yogurt.

Chemical components
L. acidophilus and other Lactobacillus species (Lobular, Locate, Lifer, L. jensen ii, and Laminates) are anaerobic, gram positive, menstruating bacilli that typically inhabit the **** and GI tract of mammals. There is some evidence that L. acidophilus may produce a compound that improves its ability to survive in environments that contain competing bacteria. Although usually nonpathogenic, lactobacilli have been implicated as possible causes of some infections.

L. acidophilus may aid digestion and absorption of food nutrients and produce B complex vitamins and vitamin K. The bacterium normally resides in the GI tract with about 400 other species of bacteria and yeasts. It helps to maintain a balance of bacterial diversity and prevent the overgrowth of any single species. As part of the normal GI flora, L. acidophilus inhibits the growth of other organisms by competing for nutrients, altering the pH of the environment, or producing bactericides, such as hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid, and acetic acid.

Some exogenous antibacterial compounds produced by L. acidophilus affect interferon production. Others may exert antibacterial activity against Helicobacter pylori and other intestinal bacteria.

Human studies have shown that the ingestion of L. acidophilus reduces the concentration of certain fecal enzymes that promote the formation of carcinogens in the colon. It is not known whether or not this reduction influences the prevalence of colon cancer.

Reported uses
Acidophilus cultures are commonly used to prevent or treat uncomplicated diarrhea caused by antimicrobials that disrupt normal intestinal flora. These cultures are also claimed to be useful in patients with disarticulates, H. pylori-induced gastric ulcers, infectious diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, or ulcerative colitis, but evidence to support these claims is lacking.

Acidophilus may be useful in the prevention and treatment of bacterial vaginosis and vaginal yeast infections caused by Candida albicans. Clinical trials have been inconclusive.

Limited evidence suggests that acidophilus may offer relief patients with fever blisters, hives, canker sores, and acne, but these skin conditions are largely self-limiting and study results are inconclusive.

Attempts to document a cholesterol-lowering effect for acidophilus products in humans have proved unsuccessful.

Dosage is based on the number of live organisms in a commercial acidophilus culture.

For most reported uses, 1 to 10 billion viable organisms/day in divided doses t.i.d. or q.i.d. is cited as a reasonable regimen.

Adverse reactions
GI: flatulence.

Warfarin : May enhance intestinal production and absorption of vitamin K, decreasing warfarin's efficacy. Monitor appropriately.

Contraindications and precautions
Lactose-sensitive patients may find it difficult to tolerate dairy products that contain acidophilus cultures.

Special considerations
To be effective, acidophilus products must provide viable L. acidophilus organisms that can survive the hostile environment of the GI tract. Proper manufacturing techniques, packaging, and storage are needed to ensure viability. Some manufacturers require refrigeration of their products, depending on which subspecies is used for the parent cultures.

Inform the patient that some dairy sources of acidophilus, particularly yogurt and milk, may not contain viable cultures because of dramatic temperature fluctuations during transport.

Advise the patient that the FDA does not consider acidophilus products safe and effective for use as antidiarrheals.

Tell the patient to expect some flatus, at least initially. This reaction subsides with continued use.

Points of interest
Many acidophilus products contain questionable levels of L. acidophilus as well as other bacterial species of uncertain benefit.

Significant variations in potency and stability have been observed.

Products made by the same company but having different lot numbers have produced conflicting results in clinical trials.

Data supporting the use of L. acidophilus-containing products for their antidiarrheal benefits and for maintaining normal levels of intestinal and vaginal bacteria and yeasts stem mainly from in vitro studies and theoretical evidence. Clinical trials in humans have not yielded many positive 'results. To further complicate the issue, variability of the quality of acidophilus cultures ingested might have influenced these results. Standardization of these products must be accomplished before conducting studies that evaluate their efficacy for therapeutic use.


Almond (Badam) - Uses and Benefits
They build up healthy mind and body, used also for cosmetics and perfumes. Their oil has medicinal and food values. Almonds should be kept soaked in water overnight, and next morning, after peeling them off, a paste (then) should be made. It is known as almond butter which is far more superior to the dairy butter.

Food Values -

Moisture - 5.2%
Protein - 20.8%
Fat - 58.9%
Fibre - 1.7%
Minerals - 2.9%
Carbohydrates - 10.5%
Calcium - 230 mg
Phosphorus - 490 mg
Iron - 4.5 mg
Niacin - 4.4 mg
Small amount of vitamin B Complex
calorific value - 655 (Per 100 gms of edible portion).
How it looks - It is a middle sized tree with simple greyish leaves and white-tinged red, showy flowers. The fruits are velvetty drupes, separating into 2 halves, exposing stones which contain the kernel called almond .

What we use - Kernel, oil

What it does - Kernel-Sweet thermogenic, aphrodisiac, laxative, diuretic, nutritious, demulcent and nervine tonic, oil-Sweet, cooling, antispasmodic, sedative, laxative and rejuvenating.

Preparing Herbel Medicines Using Almond
Almond milk is the most useful health tonic. It should be prepared by grinding the blanched almonds with milk, adding some more milk and little sugar to it. Almond fat is in an unsaturated form. Besides, it has also 11 gms of a fatty acid (linolenic acid) in 100 gms of almonds. Thus, almonds help to lower serum cholesterol level.

Almonds help to raise haemoglobin, form new blood cells, enable liver, heart, brain and nerves to perform their respective functions normally. It prolongs life, tones up and energises muscle function, energises brain power and strengthens health. Take equal quantities of raisins, almonds and roasted black grams. If 50- 100 gms of this recipe is taken with milk, it will meet all food requirements of body and brain.

Almond is laxative, removes skin disorders, respiratory problems, rejuvenates sexual power and system, does away with constipation but, for all such or any other disorder or to derive tonic effect, only sweet almond should be used, but not the bitter variety.

For healthy skin - Mix equal quantity rose petal's paste, almond paste (of blanched almonds) and milk cream. If applied daily over face, it will beautify the face, by nourishing the skin, It will also provide glow, softness and lustrous look to skin, remove wrinkles, black-heads, pimples, dryness of skin and retard pre-mature aging effects on face.

To remove constipation - Mix half teaspoonful of almond oil to hot milk but, those who have sensitive stomachs, should not use the oil, in stead they can chew the almonds (blanchcd) to be followed by hot milk drink. Almond oil with rose water can be applied to face for facial tenderness.

For reliefin asthma, bronchitis and whooping cough - Mix ten to fifteen drops each of ginger and lemon juices to a spoonful of almond oil and take for 10-15 days at a stretch once or twice a day, depending on severity of the symptoms.

In delayed puberty - Crush a few almonds, along with egg yolk, gingelly powder and a tsp of honey in milk and give it to the girl with delayed onset of puberty, every day. This ensures good overall development during adolescence.

In pregnancy - Almonds being highly nutritive are an ideal source of energy for pregnant women. For best results, soak almonds in milk, add a pinch of saffron and drink the tasty preparation everyday for nourishment both to the mother and the to-be child.

To increase vitality - Almonds in milk also increase libido and enhance general sexual performance in cases of frigidity too.

As a brain tonic - Almond is popular for its property as a nervine tonic. Rich in nourishment and essential fats, almonds serve to enhance memory and intelligence. Soak 4-6 almonds in water and eat after removing the kernel.

As a body coolant - Badam kheer is a well known preparation made by grinding almonds and mixing in milk. This cools the body apart from relieving brain exhaustion and improving functioning.

Aloe (Ghritkumari), Its Uses and How it Looks
How it looks - It is a coarse perennial with a short stem and shallow root system. The leaves are fleshy with **** prickles on the margins, and the flowers are yellow or orange in colour.

What we use - Leaf juice

What it does - It is bitter, cooling, anthelmintic, carminative, diuretic, stomachic and emmenagogue.

Herbel Medicines for the Cure of Common Disorders
In jaundice - A few drops of aloe juice is instilled in the nostrils to control jaundice. In liver disorders and splenomegaly-Aloe juice with turmeric powder should be taken twice a day to combat these conditions.

In difficult urination - In high fever, sometimes, this condition arises. Consume diluted aloe juice from time to time to alleivate this condition.

In wounds - Boil aloe leaves and take the fleshy part of the inside of the leaves to use as a poultice over wounds.

In burning sensation - Paste cumin seeds with aloe juice and apply over the area. Even in burns, the above mixture may be applied from time to time to hasten healing and prevent scar formation.

As a cosmetic - Aloe is one of the best known moisturisers and is used freely in creams and shampoos to retain moisture in skin and hair.You can make your own home-made moisturiser and cleanser in the following way - Take 1h tsp of lemon juice and 1/2 of aloe juice. Dilute this with about 4 tsp of water. After filtering apply this mixture over the face and neck and wash off after 15 minutes.

Asafoetida (Heeng) Used in Preparation of Herbel Medicines
In the beginning of sumer, the upper part of the root of a 4-5 year old plant is exposed and the stem cut off. This part is covered over by earth again and after a few days, the milky juice exuding from the cut surface is collected. The same procedure is repeated until the resin is exhausted. The dried resin is what we call asafoetida.

Asafoetida is rich in iron, minerals and calcium and occupies very high place in cooked varieties, spices, medicines, for seasoning, but should be used in very small quantity. Foods, which have wind creating properties, are seasoned with asafoetida fried in ghee.

How it looks - It is a woody, perennial tree with huge, fleshy tapering roots.

What we use - Resinous exudate of the root

What it does - It is antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, expectorant, anthelmintic, emmenagogue and diuretic.

Home Remedies for the Treatment of various Disorders
In pulmonary disorders like bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia - It should be mixed with water (5-10 ml) and taken but, for stomach pain, this mixture should be applied over and around navel.

In case of other stomach disorders, worms and indigestion - This liquid should be mixed with thymol and reduced to a pill form.

If there is malarial fever - It should be mixed with curry, and eaten as a normal food item. A good quality of asafoetida will completely dissolve in water, hence one should not go in for the fictitious type.

In case of whooping cough - Pound and reduce to tine powder 6 gms each of camphor and asafoetida and make pills. One pill should be taken with water for relief. Yellow portion of egg should be mixed with of asafoetida and the liquid be applied on painful sites. It will also dispel pain in ribs due to constant cough or due to bronchitis complications. If a small piece of asafoetida is inserted into the cavity due to decay of the tooth, it will relieve the pain at once. Intoxication, due to excessive intake of opium or poisonous effects thereof, can be mitigated by giving 20 mg of asafoetida.

In dysmenorrhoea - Use asafoetida fried in ghee regularly in diet to reduce the pain and discomfort accompanying menstrual periods and to promote free flow of fluid.

In respiratory infections - Take 1/2 a tsp of raw asafoetida twice a day before meals to clear the airways and reduce respiratory allergies.

In urinary retention - Fry asafoetida in ghee and take it washed down by some rice wash to promote flow of urine.

In abdominal pain - Warm a small piece of asafoetida in castor oil and mix well. This could be taken internally in adults and rubbed over the abdomen in infants and very small children. Asafoetida powder could be mixed in a glass of butter milk and taken too.

In flatulence - Fry a piece of asafoetida in some ghee and take 1/2 a tsp thrice a day to get relief from gaseous distension of abdomen.

In indigestion - Dissolve a couple of small pieces of asafoetida in half a cup of water and drink to relieve from gas, pain and for digestion.

As a preventive for fainting - Dissolve a piece of asafoetida in some lime juice and drink thrice a day to steer clear of fainting bouts.

How Babool (Babul) is Helpful in diarrhoea
How it looks - It is a moderate sized tree with dark brown or black, longitudinally fissured rough bark and reddish brown heartwood. The leaves are bipinnately compounds with glands on the main rachis. Straight, whitish sharp spines are present as stipules and flowers are golden yellow with rounded heads. The fruits are segmented pods holding 8-12 seeds each. The" gum arabic" exudes from cuts in the bark in ovoid globules and is coloured from pale yellow to black.

What we use - Bark, gum

What it does -

Bark - Cooling, styptic, aphrodisiac, constipating, expectorant, emetic nutritiye.

Gum - Cooling, emollient, expectorant, liyer tonic, aphrodisiac, haemostatic, antipyretic, tonic.

Herbal Medicines TreatmentIn diarrhoea - Make a powder of the tender leaves of babool and take a tsp with water from time to time to correct stools.

In wounds - Sprinkle the powder of the tender leayes of babool over wounds for rapid healing.

In excessive oozing from eyes - Boil the decoction of the leaves of babool until it reaches a semi-solid consistency. Mix a tsp of this with honey and apply this like kajal to the inside of eyes to stop oozing.

In fractures - To help fractures heal better, take the powder of the fruits of babool, mix it with honey and take this for 3 days consecutively.

For complexion of baby - Chewing baboolleaves during pregnancy enables a woman to deliver a baby with a clear, glowing complexion.

In skin disorders - Just like Khadira, the decoction of babool bark is also highly useful as a drink, bath water and to wash lesions. It mitigates burning sensation, restores normal colour to skin and heals ulcers and wounds quickly.

How Bamboo (Bans) is Useful In Piles
How it looks - It is a tall thorny shrub with many stems held on a stout root stock. The stem sheath is orange-yellow and streaked. The leaf sheaths are short, bristly and often occupy the whole stem. Flowers are glum es and fruits are oblong grains.

What we use - Roots, leaves, sprouts, grains and bamboo manna.

What it does -

Roots - Cooling, laxative, diuretic tonic

Leaves - Cooling emmenagogue, vulnerary febrifuge
ln mouth ulcers
Sprouts - Laxative, thermogenic, anti-inflammatory, digestive, carminative, anthelmentic and diuretic.

Grains - Anthelmentic, aphrodisiac, tonic

Bamboo manna - It is the siliceous secretion found in the internodes of the stems. It occurs as a bluish white translucent mass. This dried sugar-like granules are called bamboo manna. It is expectorant, haemostatic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, febrifuge.

Home Remedies for the Cure of Common Disorders
 - Apply pasted bamboo manna on the ulcers to effect a quick cure.

In piles - Make a decoction of the Jeaves of bamboo and pour it into a shallow tub. Scat the piles patient in tub so that the pile masses are completely immersed in the decoction. Do this every day for 15 minutes for shrinkage of pile masses.

In eye inflammations - Paste the roots of bamboo in water and ins til a few drop s in the eyes to prevent infections and cure inflammation at early stages.

In bleeding disorders - Paste bamboo manna pieces with some saumph seeds and take everyday until bleeding is controlled.

In worm infestation - Dissolve pieces of bamboo manna in water and add a few crushed cumin seeds to it. This preparation taken internally dislodges worms and expels them.

In cough & other respiratory disorders - Soothing to the throat and expectorant ,manna is highly useful in coughs of all kinds. Powdered manna with some honey is ideal to lick down in such conditions. It has soothing activity on lung tissue.

In diarrhoea and dysentery - The organic salts present in bamboo ensure improvement in the quality of blood, and even bone and elastic tissue. This is why it works effectively in bleeding and its astringent and digestive properties make it a good anti-diarrhoeal.

In scanty urination - Bamboo also has gentle action on the urinary tissue and is therefore used dissolved in water as a diuretic.

In consumption and wasting diseases - Rubbed with amla fruit and honey, it makes a preparation called "Murabba" which is highly nutritive and aphrodisiac.

Uses of Ajowan (Ajmud) in Treatment of Common Ailments
How it looks - It is an erect branched annual herb with bipinnate leaves, white flowers and oval fruits.

What we use - fruits

What it does - It is thermogenic, antispasmodic; stimulant, digestive, carminative and anthelmintic.

Treatments Using Ajowan
In flatulence - Take a tsp of ajowan seeds and roast it in a pan until the seeds turn red. Pour 2 cups of water into the pan and boil until the water is reduced to half. Take this decoction once a day for a safe and sure remedy for gaseous distension of the abdomen.

In common cold - To clear a nasal block, crush a tsp of ajowan and tie in a cloth bundle for inhaling. The strong odour soon clears the stuffy nose.

In asthma - Inhale the vapours of a tsp of the seeds put in boiling water.

In earache - Half a tsp of ajowan is heated in half a glass of milk and the milk IS filtered and used as ear drops.

In sprains - Mix a paste of ajowan an, salt and turmeric in gingelly oil and apply on the sprained area along with some wheat flour.

How Arjun (Arjan) is Helpful for Heart
How it looks - It is a large evergreen tree with a spreading crown and drooping branches. The bark is smooth grey and buttressed. The flowers are white and the fruits ovoid with 5-1 hard angles curving upwards.

What we use - Bark

What it does - Astringent, cooling, aphrodisiac, demulcent, cardiotonic, styptic, antidysenteric, urinary astringent, expectorant and tonic.

Herbel Medicines
As a cardiac tonic - It is a highly esteemed cardiac toxic and a preparation called "Arjuna Ksheera Paka" is repeatedly used with encouraging results in the Ayurvedic medical field. Here is how you prepare it. Add 2 tsp of Arjun bark powder to a glass of milk diluted with 4 glasses of water. Boil this preparation down to a glass. Take this in two doses everyday to keep your heart fit and ward off problems of angina, cholesterol and high blood pressure.

In wounds - Make a decoction of the bark powder and wash wounds with it. This aids the healing process and speedens normalisation of skin.

In fractures - Take a tsp of the powder of the bark everyday to facilitate quick healing of bone tissue in fractures.

In diabetes - Taking a decoction of the bark everyday is very useful in diabetes as the tannins contained in the bark tone the endocrine system.

As a cosmetic - In spotty and discoloured skin, make a face pack of the bark powder and milk and use everyday to lighten spots and patches.

How Aniseed (Sounf) is Helpful in Digestive Disorders
It is used for chewing in spices and pickles, for processing certain medicines. Aniseed is wind and gas repellent, aids in digestion, is diuretic, improves eye-sight, refreshes mouth and removes bad small helps the bowels to expel faecal matters, relieves pain in joints. Boil about 6 grams of aniseed in water and let it cool and bottle it thereafter. It will provide instant relief in cases of infantile colic and wind. Fry aniseed in ghee, mix ,some sugar candy and bael powder or juice of fresh fruit, to have relief in loose motions.

Herbal Medicines
For burning in feet and hands and heaviness - Powder aniseed and mix equal quantity of sugar to it, normal dose being 10 gms in the morning and evening, after taking meals.

For eye sight - Take 5-6 gms of aniseeds to improve liver functioning and eye-sight.

For menses - Decoction of aniseeds, with addition of some unrefined sugar (gur), will regulate menses.

For digestion process - In a glassful of milk put a teaspoonful of aniseeds and let it be kept overnight under dew, keeping it covered with a sieve or fine muslin cloth. The contents should be taken in the morning and aniseeds be munched. It will prove as a vigourful and digestive tonic.

In order to get rid of many digestive disorders - Fry on iron plate (tawa) aniseeds until they are brown (but not to be burnt black) and mix identical quantity of unfried seeds-a teaspoonful or so should be munched after both priryciple meals.

What is the Use Ashoka (Asoka)
How it looks - It is a medium-sized evergreen tree with spreading and drooping branches. It has orangish flowers which are fragrant. The fruits are flat, black pods with 4-8 seeds in each pod. The bark is dark brown to grey or black with an irregular surface, the cut ends of which are yellowish red in colour, turning reddish on exposure.

What we use - Bark, Leaves, flowers, seeds

What it does -

Bark - astringent , sweet, refrigerant, anthelmintic styptic, demulcent, febrifuge

Flowers - uterine tonic

Leaves - depura tive

Treatment of Common Disorders using Herbal Medicines
In uterine disorders - It is a reputed uterine tonic especially useful in conditions of excessive or irregular bleeding, fibroids or white discharge. Boil 2 tsp of the bark powder in 2 glasses of water until the water is reduced to a quarter of the quantity. Take an ounce of this filtered decoction twice a day with some honey to tone the mucosa of the uterus.

In pimples - To clear erupted skin, make a paste of Ashoka, some lime juice and milk and apply everyday.

In piles - Take a decoction of the bark mentioned above twice a day for relief from bleeding and non-bleeding piles.

In abdominal pain - Make a juice of the leaves, mix with cumin seeds and drink to relieve colicky pain in the abdomen.

In burning sensation and inflammation - The decoction of the bark can be used both internally as well as externally as a wash to relieve inflammation of any kind and to soothe burning sensation.

In diabetes - Powder the dry flowers of Ashoka and take a tsp of it everyday to keep blood sugar levels under control.

How Ash Gaurd (Petha) is Used in Burning Urination
How it looks - It is a large climbing gourd with large leaves, yellow flowers and broad cylindrical fruits

What we use - Fruits, seeds

What it does - It is sweet, cooling, laxative, diuretic aphrodisiac and styptic

Herbel Meedicnes for the Treatment of Common Ailments
In bleeding - Whether internal or external, the intake of the juice of the ash pumpkin is highly helpful in arresting the bleeding and healing tissues.

In excessive cholesterol - It has been shmvn that regular intake of the juice of the ash pumpkin reduces cholesterol and dilates blood vessels.

In sleeplessness - The intake of the juice gives a feeling of satiation and induces sound sleep, so it can be used in disturbed or lack of sleep with impressive results.

In burning urination - In most urinary disorders regularly drinking the ash pumpkin juice increases the production of urine and even flushes out small urinary stones. In constipation-Pieces of the fruit fried in ghee and the juice itself are laxative in nature. In worms-About 20gms of the seeds are powdered and taken with honey on an empty stomach, followed by lots of the juice at night. The seeds being anthelmintic, this schedule usually frees the body from most intestinal worms.

In anaemia - The fruit and leaves are dried and powdered. A tsp of this powder is taken everyday with a glass of buttermilk.

As a brain tonic - The ash pumpkin is endowed with qualities such as nervine tonic and stimulant. A confectionery can be prepared with sugar candy, ghee, honey and the fruit pieces, which can be used in doses of a tsp everyday.

Ash - Uses and Benefits - How Does Ash Works?Taxonomic Class

Common Trade Name
Multi-ingredient preparation: Phytodolar

Common Forms
Liquid extract: combination product containing common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) bark, aspen (Populus tremula) leaves and bark, and goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) aerial, alcohol 45.6%

The crude drug is prepared from the leaves and bark of the F. excelsior tree.

Chemical components
Ash leaf extracts contain varying amounts of flavonoids (including rutin 0.1 % to 0.9%), iridoide monoterpenes, mannitol (16% to 28%), mucilages (10% to 20%), phenolic acids, phytosterols, tannins, and triterpenes, depending on the time of year the plants are harvested. Extracts of ash bark contain hydroxycoumarins, including aesculin, fraxin, and isofraxidin.

Limited studies have been conducted on the actions of ash alone. Available information pertains to the activity of ash as an anti-inflammatory. Ash has been shown to inhibit the enzyme myeloperoxidase, which is released by activated granulocytes and produces the destructive agent hypochloric acid . Ash also inhibits the enzyme dehydrogenate reeducate. Alone and in combination, ash significantly reduced rat paw edema to varying degrees and decreased arthritic paw volume. This anti-inflammatory activity was comparable to the tested doses of diclofenac .

Reported Uses
Historically, the dried powders of ash leaf extracts were used as a mild diuretic and tonic.

Studies have been conducted for the use of ash, alone and in combination with aspen and goldenrod, as an anti-inflammatory in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical studies with combination products have noted similar efficacy in arthritic conditions with NSAID's .

Reported dosage for the combination product ranges from 20 to 40 gtt P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. mixed with water or a fluid of choice. A standard dosage has not been established.

Adverse Reactions
None reported.

None reported.

Contraindications And Precautions
The combination product should be used with caution in patients who are hypersensitive to salicylates. Effects in pregnancy are unknown.

Special Considerations
Find out why the patient has been taking ash.

Although no chemical interactions have been reported in clinical studies, consideration must be given to the herbal product's pharmacologic properties and the potential for interference with the intended therapeutic effect of conventional drugs.

Caution the patient not to self-treat symptoms of arthritis before receiving appropriate medical evaluation because this may delay diagnosis of a serious medical condition.

Advise the patient to consult a health care provider before using herbal preparations because a treatment that has been clinically researched and proved effective may be available.

Keep ash extracts away from children and pets.

Points of Interest
Excelsior is listed in the FDA Poisonous Plant Database.

The German Commission E, which oversees drug use in Germany, considers ash an unapproved product.

Although there is information about the use of ash in a fixed combination product for treating arthritic conditions, information about ash alone is limited. Additional safety and efficacy data are needed to assess the risks and benefits of ash.

Angelica Information - Drug Interactions, Uses and Benefits
Taxonomic Class

Common Trade Names
The species Angelica sinensis, from which this agent gets its name, is known as dong quai or tang-kuei.

Common Forms
Available as cut, dried, or powdered root; essential oil; liquid extract; or tincture.

Active compounds are derived from the fruits, leaves, rhizomes, and roots of many species of Angelica, a perennial in the parsley family that includes A. acutiloba, A. archangelica, A. astragalus, A. atropurpurea, A. dahurica, A. edulis, A. gigas, A. japonica, A. keiskei, A. koreana, A. polymorpha, A. pubescens, A. radix, and A. sinensis.

Chemical Components
Various coumarins (angelicin, bergapten, imperatorin, oreoselone, osthol, oxypeucedanin, umbelliferone, xanthotoxol, and xanthotoxin) have been isolated from different Angelica species. The phenolic compound ferulic acid has been obtained from A. sinensis. Decursinol angelate is purified from the root of A. gigas. Two chalcones (xanthoangelol and 4-hydroxyderricin) have been isolated from A. keiskei.

Other compounds have been isolated from the roots and fruits of A. archangelica, such as terpene hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters, lactones, aliphatic carbonyls, and other aromatic compounds. Polysaccharides, palmitic acid, and the flavonoid archangelenone have also been isolated. Other compounds found in the volatile oils include alpha- and beta-phellandrene, alpha-pinene, alpha-thujene, limonene, beta­carophyllene, linalool, borneol, acetaldehyde, and some macrocyc1ic lactones.

Antitumorigenic properties have been noted in several animals. Decursinol angelate has cytotoxic and protein kinase C-activating activities. In mice with skin cancer, chalcones from the root extract of A. keiskei exhibited potent antitumorigenic properties. Extracts from A. archangelica reduced the mutagenic effects of thiotepa in mouse bone marrow cells, and A. radix increased the production of tumor necrosis factor in mice. Several furanocoumarin compounds extracted from the root of A. japonica showed inhibitory activity against human adenogastric carcinoma (MK-1) cell growth .

Immunostimulatory properties were observed in vitro with angelan, a polysaccharide isolated from A. gigas. Angelan increased expression of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-6, and interferongamma, resulting in activation of macrophages and natural killer cells involved in nonspecific immunity.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties have also been noted.

Compounds isolated from the roots of A. pubescens inhibited centrally and peripherally mediated inflammatory substances. In vitro data show prominent inhibitory effects on both 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase .

Coumarin osthole inhibits platelet aggregation in vivo and in vitro . A. sinensis significantly inhibited thromboxane A 2 formation and mildly affected prostaglandin 1 2 production in animals compared with aspirin.

Angelica polysaccharide has been shown to promote the proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells in healthy and anemic mice .

Coumarins and ferulic acid from A. dahurica root have antimicrobial actions . Two chalcones isolated from A. keiskei also showed antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria.

The aqueous extract of A. sinensis given LV. decreased myocardial injury and the incidence of premature ventricular contractions and arrhythmias induced by myocardial reperfusion. Puranocoumarins inhibited the in vitro binding of diazepam to CNS benzodiazepine receptors in rat cells .

A. sinensis and nifedipine improved pulmonary function and decreased mean arterial pulmonary pressures in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with pulmonary hypertension. A. polymorpha has been found to selectively inhibit the production of allergic antibodies in asthmatics.

Uterine stimulant effects in the mouse and relaxation of the trachea in animals have been documented.

Polysaccharides isolated from the root of A. sinensis demonstrated dose-dependent protective effects on G1 mucosa in rats administered the gastric irritants ethanol and indomethacin.

Antihypertensive effects were observed in rats administered an ACE inhibitor compound extracted from A. keiskei .

A. astragalus reduced serum levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides to the same extent as pravastatin and further lowered levels of LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B in rats with puromycin aminonucleoside-induced nephrotic syndrome. Attenuation of renal injury also was observed, as evidenced by a reduction of the glomerular sclerosing index value in treated rats .

Reported Uses
This Chinese herb has been claimed to be of therapeutic usefulness for many disorders. It has been called a "cure-all" for gynecologic disorders and been promoted for such conditions as anemia, menstrual discomfort, and postmenopausal symptoms as a result of its purported estrogen-like effects and erythropoietic potential. No controlled studies have corroborated these benefits.

In a study of young women with leukorrhagia and insufficient luteal function, angelica root extract. in combination with several other Chinese herbs, regulated the menstrual cycle and reduced the severity of leukorrhagia.

Other claims include angelica's ability to improve circulation in the extremities; to treat anemia, backaches, and headaches; and to relieve asthma, eczema, hay fever, and osteoporosis.

Most studies of angelica have been conducted on animals, making it difficult to determine therapeutic benefits in humans.

No consensus exists. Studies conducted with angelica used various concentrations of extracts, aqueous solutions, and powders, making identification of standardized dosage difficult.

Adverse Reactions
CV: hypotension (from coumarins derived from A. pubescens).

Hematologic: increased risk of bleeding (when used with such drugs as heparin and warfarin).

Skin: phototoxicity (effect of furanocoumarins).

Warfarin: Significantly prolonged PT when A. sinensis is administered with warfarin. Avoid use with angelica.

Contraindications And Precautions
Avoid using angelica in pregnant or breast-feeding patients because of potential stimulant effects on the uterus.

Special Considerations
Monitor the patient taking angelica for signs of bleeding, especially if he is also taking an anticoagulant.

Inform the patient that using angelica may increase the risk of cancer.

Urge the patient to promptly report signs of allergic reactions.

Advise the patient to take precautions against direct sun exposure while taking angelica preparations.

Points of interest

A atropurpurea last appeared in the USP around 1860.

Concerns have been raised regarding the potential carcinogenic risk of angelica, which led the International Fragrance Commission to recommend a limit of O. 78% angelica root in commercial preparations of suntan lotions.

Although angelica is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, its efficacy appears to be supported only by anecdotal evidence. The herb has been studied extensively in animal models, but scientifically valid human studies are lacking. Until more conclusive data are available, it is difficult to justify the therapeutic use of angelica for specific disorders.

Benzoin - Some Benefits on Usage of Benzoin
Taxonomic Class

Common Trade Names
Multi-ingredient preparations: Balsam of the Holy Victorious Knight, Friar's Balsam, Jerusalem Balsam, Pfeiffer's Cold Sore Preparation, Turlington's Balsam Of Life, Ward's Balsam

Common Forms
Available as compound benzoin tincture USP, which contains 10% benzoin, 2% aloe, 8% storax, 4% tolu balsam, and 75% to 83% alcohol. Benzoin is also an ingredient in cold sore creams, lotions, and ointments.

Benzoin is a balsamic resin usually obtained by wounding the bark of Styrax benzoin trees that are at least 7 years old. It can also be obtained from the bark of Styrax paralleloneurus and Styrax tonkinensis.

Chemical Components
Sumatra benzoin (S. benzoin) is composed primarily of benzoic and cinnamic acids and their esters. It also contains small quantities of benzaldehyde, phenylpropyl cinnamate and benzyl cinnamate, styracin, styrene, and vanillin. Sumatra benzoin yields at least 75% of alcohol soluble extract; Siam benzoin (S. tonkinensis) yields at least 90%. In the United States, either extract can be used in compound benzoin tincture.

Benzoin tinctures possess mild bactericidal properties, but the efficacy and spectrum of these properties are poorly described. Benzoin, which has a characteristic balsamic aroma, also has adhesive properties and mucosal protectant activity.

Reported Uses
Benzoin has been used for more than 100 years, but most uses are anecdotal and have not been systematically studied. The agent has been applied topically as an antiseptic and a wound adhesive. A comparative trial of compound benzoin tincture and gum mastic found mastic to be a superior wound adhesive that was better tolerated than benzoin tincture . Benzoin tincture has been painted on the skin before applying adhesive tape for supportive dressings.

The American Dental Association accepts benzoin tincture as a topical mucosal protectant and for symptomatic relief of pain from canker sores, gingivitis, and oral herpetic lesions .

Benzoin has been used in cough and cold products for its claimed expectorant properties. Compound benzoin tincture has been added to hot water to create a volatile steam inhalation, but this may be no more effective than unmedicated water vapor .

For mucosal protection, in adults and children older than age 6 months, a few drops applied topically no more than once every 2 hours. The tincture should be used in infants only under medical supervision.

For steam inhalation, about 5 ml of compound benzoin tincture added to 1 pt of hot water. Alternatively, place the tincture on a handkerchief for inhalation.

Adverse Reactions
GI: gastritis, GI hemorrhage if ingested .

Respiratory: asthma (inhalation).

Skin: contact dermatitis, urticaria.

Other: allergic reactions.

None reported.

Contraindications And Precautions
Inhalation of benzoin products is contraindicated in patients with reactive airway diseases, such as asthma. Benzoin is toxic if taken internally. Use products that contain benzoin cautiously in atopic patients or in those who are prone to contact dermatitis.

Special Considerations
Monitor closely for gastritis and GI hemorrhage in patients taking benzoin internally. Advise against oral consumption.

Monitor use of benzoin in infants closely.

Alert Observe for signs and symptoms of allergic reaction, particularly in atopic patients.

Inform the patient that topical use can discolor the skin and cause contact dermatitis.

Advise the patient with asthma, atopy, or contact dermatitis to avoid using benzoin.

Inform the patient that volatile steam inhalation of benzoin is not effective; unmedicated water vapor may be used instead.

Most clinical data regarding the use of benzoin products come from case reports and a long history of use in numerous specialities. As a wound adhesive, alternative products are superior to benzoin . As a skin and mucosal protectant, other agents are at least as effective as benzoin and cause fewer allergic reactions . The inhalation of compound benzoin tincture has been used for many years but has never been systematically studied. Inhaled steam is probably at least as effective . Antiseptics with extensively studied effectiveness are preferred over benzoin tinctures. Health care providers should be aware of the potential risk of allergic reactions, especially in atopic patients.

Butcher's Broom Herb - Dosage and Useful Properties
Taxonomic Class

Common Trade Names
Multi-ingredient preparations: Butcher's Broom Extract 4:1, Butcher's

Broom Root, Hemodren Simple, Ruscorectal

Common Forms
Capsules: 75 mg, 110 mg, 150 mg, 400 mg, 470 mg, 475 mg

Also available as liquid extract and tea.

Butcher's broom is extracted from the leaves, rhizomes, and roots of Ruscus aculeatus, a low-lying evergreen of the lily family. It is native to the Mediterranean region but also grows in southern United States.

Chemical Components
The major active components of butcher's broom are the steroidal saponins ruscogenin and neoruscogenin. Coumarins, flavonoids, glycolic acid, sparteine, and tyramine have also been isolated.

In a study of dog veins, the saponins in butcher's broom produced vasoconstriction by directly activating post junctional alpha 1 and alpha 2 receptors .

Studies with animals have evaluated the effect of R. aculeatus on the diameter of arterioles and venules and the effect of local changes in temperature on venous responsiveness to R. aculeatus . Clinical trials suggest that a Ruscus preparation relieved symptoms of chronic phlebopathy of the legs . The extract of this plant possesses anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Reported Uses
Butcher's broom is claimed to be helpful in treating arthritis, hemorrhoids, leg edema, peripheral vascular disease, and varicose veins. It has also been used as a diuretic and a laxative. Human clinical data to support these claims are limited.

For venous phlebopathy in the lower limbs, the dosage of butcher's broom tested in humans was 99 mg P.O. daily (in combination with ascorbic acid and hesperidin).

Adverse Reactions
None reported.

Anticoagulants: May increase effects of these drugs. Monitor closely.

Antihypertensives: May reduce effects of alpha blockers, such as prazosin, doxazosin, terazosin; reduces effectiveness of therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Avoid administration with butcher's broom.

MAO inhibitors: May cause hypertensive crisis from tyramine in butcher's broom. Avoid administration with butcher's broom.

Contraindications And Precautions
Butcher's broom is contraindicated in pregnant or breast -feeding patients; effects are unknown. Use cautiously in patients with hypertension or BPH or those who are receiving alpha antagonist therapy.

Special considerations
Inform the patient that more effective agents exist to treat his disease and that long-term effects of butcher's broom are unknown.

Caution the patient with circulatory disorders that butcher's broom may interfere with other drugs he is taking.

Advise women to avoid using butcher's broom during pregnancy or when breast-feeding.

Points of Interest
Butchers in Europe and the Mediterranean at one time used the leaves and twigs of this plant to scrub chopping blocks clean, hence the name butcher's broom,

Butcher's broom possesses vasoconstrictive properties, but clinical data about these effects are limited. One study suggests that butcher's broom is beneficial in patients with chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. The study involved only 40 patients and R. aculeatus was used in combination with hesperidin and ascorbic acid.

Butcher's broom may be well tolerated, but additional studies are needed to evaluate its efficacy in treating venous disease and other vascular conditions. No clinical data support the use of butcher's broom for treating arthritis or hemorrhoids.

Bael (Bel) and Its Uses and Benefits
How it looks - It is a medium-sized deciduous tree with typical straight sharp thorns at the axil and yellowish brown furrowed bark. The leaves are also notedly trifoliate and aromatic while the flowers are greenish white and sweet scented. The fruits are globose and woody with yellowish rind with numerous seeds.

What we use - Roots, leaves, fruits (usually unripe ones are used)

What it does -

Roots - Astringent, febrifuge

Leaves - Astringent, laxative, febrifuge, expectorant

Unripe fruits - Astringent, digestive stomachic

Ripe fruits - Astringent, aromatic, cooling, febrifuge, laxative and tonic (to the heart & brain)

Treatment Through Herbal Medicines
In piles - Make a decoction of the roots of Bael and seat the piles' patient in a basin filled with the lukewarm decoction such that the pile masses are immersed in it. Do this everyday for 20-30 minutes and watch the astringent Bael gradually shrink the pile masses.

In dysentery and diarrhoea - Paste the pulp of an unripe bael fruit with a few sesame seeds and mix some thick yogurt in it. Take this preparation hvice a day to arrest mucous and blood-accompanied loose stools.

In blood accompanied stools - Mix the powder of the dry pulp of bael fruit with some saunph seeds and honey and drink 2 tsp of this mixture with some rice wash.

In foul body odour - Apply the juice of fne fresh leaves of bael fruit all over the body everyday to prevent unpleasant odour emitting from the body. The astringent nature of the juice closes sweat pores and prevents excessive perspiration causing foul odour.

In vomiting - Make a decoction of bael roots and drink it with a tsp of honey to suppress vomiting.

In bleeding piles - Mix the pulp of a bael fruit with a glass of butter milk for relief from bleeding piles.

In swelling - Whether of the feet or any part of body, swellings can be helped by taking half a glass of the juice of baelleaves with the powder of a few black peppers.

In colic pains - In pains due to undigested food material, take the powder of the dry pulp of bael fruit with a little jaggery for digestion and to subside pain.

In typhoid and seasonal fevers - Take a tsp of powder of the dry pulp of bael fruit to bring down temperature.

In decomposing wounds - Paste the leaves without adding water. Apply this on wounds which are pus-oozing with great benefit.

How Banana (Kela) is Helpful In Treatment of Common Ailments
The very botanical name of banana, Musa paradisiaca, "Apple of paradise" suggests that it is one of the oldest fruits in the world.

Originating from the east of India and neighboring countries, it has gained popularity over centuries and has been taken to America, Africa, Palestine and Egypt by invaders and visitors making it commercially the most important tropical fruit now. Often called the most delicious thing in the world, the seedless fruit has gained the status of the staple food of millions around the world, so much so that the soft ripe banana is the first solid food given to babies.

Vitamins - The ripe fruit is a rich source of Vit-A and a moderate source of vitamins C,B and B2. The unripe fruit is an excellent source of vitamins which do not perish even after cooking at temperatures upto 60°C

Minerals - Magnesium, potassium and phosphorus are some of the minerals present abundantly in the fruit and calcium and iron are others moderately found in it.

Sugar - The numerous varieties of banana contain glucose levels varying between 15 and 27 percent.

Fibre - The stem is rich in fibre and is cooked as a curry in banana - growing regions. Even the inflorescence is made into a curry in the north-eastern regions.

Strictly speaking, the term plantain is used for the cooking variety of banana, though now, both terms are used intermixed.

How it looks - It is a fleshy, decorative tall herb with long sheathing leaves and bright yellow fruits (on ripening)

What we use - Root, leaves, fruit, stem

What it does -

Roots - anthelmintic, antiscorbutic, depurative and tonic

Fruits - sweet, astringent, emollient, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic antidiabetic, antidysenteric

Herbal Medicines
In urinary retention - Take a glassful of the stem juice with a few cardamom seeds crushed into it thrice a day to get rid of painful or burning urination and to dissolve tiny urinary stones.

In anaemia - Take a tsp of the powder of the dried root with milk twice a day.

In wounds - Tie the ripe, clean leaves onto the wounds, to clear it from pus and foul odour. Change this dressing twice a day.

In white discharge - One of the best remedies for excessive vaginal discharge is to mix a tsp of the powder of dried amla seeds and a ripe banana everyday for at least 40 days.

In constipation - A ripe banana with hot milk at bedtime every night is a well known smooth laxative for hard bowels.

In menorrhagia or any other bleeding condition - The fruit of plantain should be consumed everyday mixed with ghee to arrest bleeding either from rectum due to piles, excessive menstrual bleeding, or any other internal bleeding.

In cough and breathing disorders - Roast a banana and peel it after cooling. The banana, so baked should be consumed everyday to relieve from respiratory distress.

When hair is swallowed - Make a curry of plantain stem and consume. The roughage present in it rolls into its bulk hair and other matter present in the alimentary canal and eliminates them .

In boils - Scrape the inside of a ripe banana peel, spread it on a cloth and bandage on to the boil to effect quick healing.

In burns - In an emergency, when nothing is available a banana comes in handy. Mash a yellow ripe banana and spread it over the burn. The demulcent effect of the fruit quickens healing and prevents scar formation. Repeat this procedure for a few days.

In fungal infections - Mix the yellmv ripe banana in neem decoction and apply on the patches and w ash after half an hour. Repeat until cure is effected.

As a cosmetic - The fruit pulp is mixed in honey or used as such as a face mask.

Banyan (Bat), Its Uses and Benefits
How it looks - It is a very large tree with widely spreading branches having typical aerial roots-prop roots. The bark is greenish 'white and the fruit, contained in red, fleshy receptacles.

What we use - Aerial root, bark, leaves, buds, fruit, latex.

What it does - Astringent, refrigerant, anodyne, depurative, anti-inflammatory, styptic, antiarthritic, antidiarrhoeal, anti-emetic, tonic.

Herbal Medicines for the Cure of Common Disorders
In sterility in women - Powder the dry roots finely and store. Take a tsp of this powder with half a glass of cow's milk at bedtime, for at least 3 menstrual cycles.

In white discharge and vomiting - Make a decoction of the aerial roots and consume half a glass twice a day.

In skin disorders - Whether it is burning sensation, scars, abscesses or ulcers, the banyan has an answer. Paste banyan and peepal bark in coconut milk and apply on the affected areas to prevent scars and heal ulcers.

In diarrhoea and dysentery - Soak the buds of the banyan tree in water overnight and take the infusion every morning until diarrhoea is controlled.

In bleeding piles - Mix a few drops of the milky latex of the banyan tree in milk and take daily to cure bleeding piles.

In painful joints - The milky juice from the banyan tree is good to massage aching joints with, as it relieves swelhng and rheumatic pain.

Tooth care - The aerial roots of the banyan make for effective toothbrushes, owing to the astringent secretions from the stick which is to be chewed while brushing.

Hair growth - Powder equal quantities of the aerial roots of banyan and lime skin. Boil the powder in coconut oil and store. This oil promotes hair growth and leaves hair with a fine sheen.

In baldness - Powder the aerial roots of banyan and lotus roots and use the same way as above. This preparation irritates the bald scalp and stimulates hair growth.

Betel (Pan), How it Looks and What it Does
How it looks - It is a perennial climber, with semi-woody stem. The leaves are heart ­ shaped resembling pepper leaves and Clre bright green ill colour. Fruits are rarely produced, imnlersed in fleshy spikes forming nodule- like structures.

What we use - Whole plant

What it does - It is astringent, carminative, stomachic, sialogogue, anthelmentic, aromatic, aphrodisiac, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative and tonic.

Cure of Common Disorders
In filariasis - Take 7 betel leaves and paste them with a little sendha or rock salt. Take it with warm water everyday for a few weeks in filariasis.

In worm infestation - In such a common Clilment, chewing pan leaves and spitting the juice out serves to remove immature larvae from the mouth reducing intensity of infection.

In phlegmatic cough and cold - Chewing betel leaves is highly beneficial as it is an expectorant and helps break down solidified phlegm and expel it. You could also combine the juices of the leav'es of tulsi, betel and karpuravalli or panjiri­ka-pat. A few drops of the mixture with a tsp of honey is the safest and best remedy for cough in small children.

In ulcerated burns - Bathe the burns in betel leaf juice. The astringent action of betel helps regenerate cells and quickens healing.

In fungal infections - Especially over the face, back and chest applying a mixture of onion and betel juice twice a day ensures getting rid of patches immediately.

In headache - A simple home remedy is to cut a betel leaf into 2 halves lengthwise, gently warm the halves over fire and apply over each temple. Its aromatic and tonic properties help soothe the headache.

In difficult urination - Mix betel leaf juice with milk, add some sugar and drink it to promote urination and ensure free flow.

In whitlow - To heal this finger infection, make a paste of quicklime and betel, pack the finger with this and tie a cloth around it. Change the pack everyday and keep the finger free of moisture. Cure is usually complete in 4-5 days.

In fresh eye inflammation - Instill a few drops of a mixture of betel leaf juice and honey to combat infection and effect quick healing.


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